Fees and Funding
bwin体育苹果下载iOS(LFA)旨在提供文化和社会多样性,为有bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作野心和强烈职业道德的有才华的学生提供发展和进步的机会, regardless of background.
We want LFA to be a role model for other universities, giving talented individuals the opportunity to succeed in filmmaking, 通过拓宽视野和获得bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作的机会,以及通过改善社会流动性. LFA wants to increase the number of talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds, able to participate in our courses, through promoting inclusion and by offering financial aid and support for payment.
LFA wants to help students who have demonstrated a high standard of work and diligence, 但没有经济手段或能力来满足参加我们学院所需的bwin娱乐费用支付时间表.
For students that require financial assistance to attend LFA, 我们有几个以奖学金的形式为英国学生提供经济支持的机会,这些学生可以学习我们的bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作(荣誉)学士学位bwin娱乐, 为英国学生提供工作机会,并为符合条件的英国和国际学生提供付款计划.
What financial support is offered by LFA?
Undergraduate Course students
UK Applicants
对于申请我们的bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作(荣誉)文学士bwin娱乐并需要经济资助的英国申请者, we offer the opportunity to apply for:
文学士奖学金(适用于能够证明工人阶级或低社会经济背景的人), specific criteria apply).
The Runner Programme (specific criteria apply).
International Applicants
对于成功申请我们的bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作(荣誉)文学士bwin娱乐并需要经济资助的国际申请者, we offer the opportunity to apply for:
Postgraduate Course students
UK Applicants
对于申请我们研究生bwin娱乐的英国申请人,如果他们需要经济资助, we offer the opportunity to apply for:
The LFA Runner Programme (specific criteria apply).
International Applicants
对于成功申请我们研究生bwin娱乐并需要经济资助的国际申请者, we offer the opportunity to apply for:
More Information
BA (Hons) Filmmaking Scholarships
LFA为需要经济援助的成功的英国学生提供奖学金. The award equates to a maximum of 50% reduction of the full course fee, entry fees are currently £44,000.
Am I eligible?
To be considered for one of the BA scholarships, applicants must have successfully secured an offer of place, be a UK resident and clearly evidence that they are from a low socio-economic background. 申请人还必须符合资格,并已申请7英镑的学生贷款,200 from Student Finance.
How to apply
申请人需要通过电子邮件通知招生团队,他们希望被考虑为BA奖学金 admissions@bjpalacehotel.com.然后,他们将收到一份申请表,并被要求完成一份财务计划和一份500字的声明来支持他们的索赔, along with providing specific documentation detailing their financial status.
申请将被审查,入围候选人将被邀请参加面试. 结果将在夏季学期以书面形式与UCAS DBD日期一致.
The LFA Runner Programme
LFA跑者计划是一个发展机会,成功的英国学生谁需要经济援助就读LFA, enabling them to earn while studying. Runners report to the Operations & Facilities Manager and can earn up to £3,500, working flexibly over an academic year.
What does the Runner role involve?
Runners work across LFA on an ad-hoc basis throughout the week. 活动可能包括与我们的前台团队合作,欢迎学生和访客到LFA, providing tours of the building to prospective students, working with our Production and Post-Production teams, 协助拍摄,设置和维护编辑实验室套房,甚至协助我们的营销团队与LFA事件和促销活动, 包括制作相关的营销内容,维护所有工作室,检查所有bwin体育苹果下载iOS套件和耗材的库存.
Am I eligible?
How to apply
Applications for the Runner roles open during the summer semester. Applicants need to apply to Admissions by emailing admissions@bjpalacehotel.com.They will then be sent an application form, asked to provide an up-to-date CV and will need to complete a supporting statement, 详细说明为什么他们觉得自己是这个职位的合适人选,以及他们迄今为止的技能和经验将如何使LFA跑步者计划受益. Successful candidates will then be invited to an interview. Outcomes will be communicated in writing during the summer semester.
Payment Plans
Am I eligible?
Students are eligible to apply for a Payment Plan and payment in instalments if, for financial reasons, they are unable to pay the full tuition fees by the date stated in their offer letter.
How to apply?
To apply for a Payment Plan please request an application form from Admissions by emailing admissions@bjpalacehotel.com and provide the relevant supporting evidence when requested. 申请将按个别情况考虑,成功的申请人将被要求与LFA签署付款协议, known as a Payment Plan.
Other Funding Options
Please find below details of other helpful funding options:
British Council
英国文化协会研究英国网站是一个优秀而全面的指南,为欧盟和国际学生提供资金来源,并按国籍列出了学生可获得的奖学金. It also includes a useful guide outlining information about living and studying in the UK. You can also contact your local British Council 办公室,了解一下它可以为希望在英国学习的贵国学生提供什么.
Chevening Scholarships
这是一项旨在帮助希望在英国学习的国际学生的计划,目的是在回国后利用他们学到的技能为自己的国家造福. This is available in over 100 countries.
Marshall Scholarships
这是最好的奖学金网站,为国际学生寻求满足他们的经济需求. 你可以浏览各种各样的国外目的地的综合奖学金名单.
Gov.uk website
Film and TV Charity
The Film and TV Charity was founded as a benevolent fund that cared for its own, and over the past almost 100 years, has helped people overcome a spectrum of personal and professional challenges. With a 24-hour Film and TV Support Line, 向任何有需要的人提供法律和财务建议和咨询,他们确保每个在bwin体育苹果下载iOS幕后工作的人, TV and cinema feels supported.
Swedish Loan and Grant Programme
瑞典学生可以获得助学金,以支付在英国学习的bwin娱乐费用和生活费用. Charles Wallace Trust (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma/Myanmar).
Charles Wallace Trust
The Wallace Trusts offers funding options to students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma/Myanmar to help with living costs and educational development in the UK
- The Charles Wallace Bangladesh Trust
- The Charles Wallace Burma Trust
- The Charles Wallace India Trust
- The Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust
Post Graduate Search
这个面向研究生的综合性网站概述了如何规划和组织你的财务, including a searchable database to find out if you are eligible for funding.
UK Council for International Student Affairs
这个信息丰富的网站为国际学生提供学习资金方面的指导, alongside tips for living in the UK and visas. UKCISA does not provide funding directly.